Welcome to
Nous Defions Group

"Empowering Futures, Defying Limits"

About Us (Est. 2009)

Nous Defions Group℠ LLC or NDG is a Special Forces Veteran & SBA Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) certified. NDG provides its customers with the highest quality Special Operations related capabilities and services possible supporting unique requirements.

Nous Defions Group℠ LLC is one of the top choices for individuals and businesses regarding specialized services and solutions. Our highly experienced Special Operations Forces professionals bring unique skills and expertise, allowing them to adapt to any situation quickly. From training, scenario development, threat vulnerability assessments, security consulting, and disaster response, NDG has the flexibility and expertise to deliver results. If you're looking for a reliable partner to provide tailored solutions to your needs, look no further than NDG. "Empowering Futures, Defying Limits"

Training & Services


  • Advanced Marksmanship

  • Close Quarters Battle (CQB)

  • Evasive Driving (EVOC)

  • Medical Training

  • Terrorism Awareness

  • ​Active Shooter Reaction Training

  • Sniper Training

  • Awareness. Avoidance, & Personal Protection Seminar

  • Force Protection Training

  • Mobile GIS Applications

  • Technical and Non-Technical Surveillance

  • Irregular Warfare

  • Unconventional Warfare

  • Operational Support and Advanced Targeting Techniques Course℠ (OSATTC)

  • Undercover and Confidential Informant Operations

  • Combatives and Mixed Martial Arts Programs

  • Covert Methods of Entry (CMoE)


  • VIP/Executive Escort and Protection

  • International Traveler Protection Program℠ (ITPP)

  • Intelligence/Counterintelligence Operations

  • Threat Vulnerability Assessments

  • Intelligence and Operational Fusion

  • Mobile GIS Applications

  • Asymmetrical Intelligence Training and Services

  • GPS tracking: Personal, corporate and fleet

  • ​UAV/Drone Assets

  • ​K-9 Operations

  • Realistic Training Scenarios and Development

  • Worldwide Crisis Assessment Teams℠ (WCAT)

    • Disaster Assessment Teams

    • Pre & Post Crisis Management Teams

  • Production Technical Advisors

  • ​Project Management

  • The Nest In-Home Security Assessment & Consulting

  • Red Team Operations / Penetration Testing

  • Chofer & Transportation Services

  • and ​more......

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